How do I build a social life and friend group in a new city?


It’s not as hard as you think! 

It may feel like making new friends is one of the most intimidating parts of moving to a new place, but it isn’t as difficult as it initially seems. At first, it can feel awkward and foreign trying to navigate how to build your social life from scratch since you probably haven’t done so in a long time. You might think that everyone around you has all the friends they could possibly need, but this is by no means the case! There are countless people who share your situation, and there are ways to overcome your worries when meeting new people. You just have to find them and work at it! 

Commitment is Key 

To truly expand your friend group, you need to be committed! Simply signing up for a class or club is not enough. You have to be engaged, stick with it and overcome the shyness and nervousness that often accompanies encountering new experiences and meeting new people. One of the best ways to do this is to try to make friends in places where you spend a lot of your time. Repeatedly interacting with people, like coworkers, fellow yoga class attendees, or daily café patrons, is a form of commitment in and of itself. Seeing the same people over and over again makes you more comfortable with them and makes it easier to start a conversation, which could lead to the start of a friendship.   

Where are the best places to meet people? 

There are so many unexpected places for you to make friends and expand your social life that you may never have thought of! For instance, the dog park is a perfect place to meet people because it gives you an easy way to break the ice with someone. If you don’t have a dog to bring with you, you can try sites like Wag or Rover, which can connect you with people looking for a dog-sitter or dog-walker. Another easy option is visiting small, local shops instead of shopping online or going to large retailers. This allows you to meet people from your area that work in or frequent the shops in an environment that allows you to talk to them. Popular markets, produce stands, and family-owned restaurants are all great examples!  

A great community to meet people in London especially is recreational sports leagues. There is a huge culture surrounding sport, so if that interests you, you’re in luck! These leagues are easy to join and are offered in many areas. Even if you aren’t in London, a quick search should help you find similar teams near you! If you are in London, though, and are interested in learning a new language, you could also check out our French and Spanish classes! You will be able to meet people in your class each week, learn together, and bond over your passion for language and culture! 

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